Title Research: Mystery
This opening was found on watchthetitles.com. - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? There are many credits given in the title sequence of Hostage. The first credits are to the production studio. After that, the heads of staff are credited. Then, the author of the movie's source material is credited. Only after all of that, the title of the movie is shown. If it were my choice, I would not include that many credits. I would prefer to include them in the ending credits. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images shown in the opening are animated scenes of law enforcement workers and swat team members. They are shown in a number of places. Presumably, they are all surrounding the building a hostage is being kept in. - What connotations do these images carry? These images convey a sense of foreboding as the swat team moves in position to act on the house the hostage is in. It is a constant them found in mystery movies to h...