
Showing posts from February, 2021

Title Research: Mystery

  This opening was found on - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? There are many credits given in the title sequence of Hostage. The first credits are to the production studio. After that, the heads of staff are credited. Then, the author of the movie's source material is credited. Only after all of that, the title of the movie is shown. If it were my choice, I would not include that many credits. I would prefer to include them in the ending credits. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The images shown in the opening are animated scenes of law enforcement workers and swat team members. They are shown in a number of places. Presumably, they are all surrounding the building a hostage is being kept in. - What connotations do these images carry? These images convey a sense of foreboding as the swat team moves in position to act on the house the hostage is in. It is a constant them found in mystery movies to h

Title Research: Mystery

  I found the opening sequence of invisible man on - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The first title displayed is the name of the production studio that made the movie. After the staff, the title of the movie appears. In our previous blog, we analyzed the title sequence of The Silence of the Lambs. In that movie, the title sequence showed the names of the most important staff members that helped make the film. However, in the Invisible Man, no credits with people's names are present. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The opening sequence consists of waves crashing on a rocky shore. Each time a wave hits, water flies up and then promptly down. Each time the water falls back down, words become revealed by the water running off of them and then disappear when the water runs off of them. - What connotations do these images carry? The title and studio credits are only revealed by the water running off of the

Title Research: Mystery

  - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The first title displayed is the name of the production studio that made the movie. the next titles shown are the names of the staff that produced the movie. After the staff, the title of the movie appears. Following the title of the film, even more staff names appear. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The beginning of the title sequence shows foggy shots of the surrounding area. Then, we are shown a woman running through an obstacle course in the middle of the forest. Shots of the forest are prioritized over the obstacle course. After the initial credits, the woman goes into a building and the images switch form the empty forest to a lively building. The building is full of people doing different activities. - What connotations do these images carry? The images of the fog convey an ominous tone. The images of the large and mostly empty forest convey a sense of foreboding because it is unknow

Title Research: Mystery

I found the opening sequence of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo on What titles are displayed during the opening sequences? The only title displayed is the title for the film. There are credits to the production company and the creators of the movie, but that is it. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Throughout the entire sequence, there is a presence of an black oily substance. It flows past various objects, including the title card. It also takes various shapes, mostly human-like forms. Later in the scene, these human-shaped creatures are set on fire. After this, shots of them become more violent in nature as they break apart. There is also an appearance of a flaming bird, which could represent a phoenix. What connotations do these images carry? There is a dark and ominous tone to the oil flowing on screen. As it slithers by, it can be viewed as a malicious entity. The surreal nature of the human forms moving around in various poses gives a general

Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

  The first website we used to research film titles was very versatile. It helped us learn how the title should have the same mood as the movie's opening. We learned that the font, font size, and background could all be uniquely used to create a mood for the audience. The first website helped us visualize our opening as more than a word or two. But, researching just the first website was not enough for us to be satisfied. We wanted to find more information in order to make our title the best it can be. Luckily, our teacher recommended another website with a lot of information on film titles. The website is called Similar to the first website we used, had titles of a lot well-known movies we could use as references. The biggest difference of was that it featured many more film title creators than the first website. While the first website had the names of some creators, had interviews from very man

Title Research: Art of the Title Website

  We have come up with the premise for our movie opening and our movie's pitch. One of the next necessary steps is to think of a title for the movie. The title is a very important and crucial part of any movie. Titles are more than just what the movie is called. All aspects of the title screen are important. The font, font size, background, and more can be manipulated to convey a movie's theme and nature. Since the title is so crucial, research of titles is necessary. One of the websites I used to research titles was called Art of the Title. I found the website because of a recommendation from my teacher. [ 5:46 PM ] The website is great for learning about movie titles because it included analysis of title sequences and cards from many successful movies. This gave our research variety and expert inquiry. The websites includes many different articles and lists that cater to anyone. Some of their webpages are lists about the best movie titles and some are descriptions

Genre Research: Hostage

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? A hostage situation normally involves a volatile mission where one wrong move leads to disastrous consequences. This is like the one presented in this movie. The way it connects to a mystery comes in the form of trying to figure out how to make it out of a situation safely. This also leads to very high-stakes scenes with tasks that need to be completed in a short timeframe. In order to find out who is behind the crime syndicate and who is the murderer among them, they will have to try and solve the mystery. The identities of the antagonists are kept ambiguous. This is normal to do in any mystery film. The main characters are left in the dark about the true conflict going on, and the meaning behind it. They are instead forced to try and stop it without really knowing why it is happening in the first place. What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? There is a lot of internal co

Genre Research: The Invisible Man

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? The genres of the movie we are going to be making an opening for will be horror and mystery. This is because of the killing that will happen. It is mystery because the imposter is unknown. The opening, however, will not be horror. This is because horror films usually do not have fearful openings. Most the time, they are unexpectedly upbeat in order to fool the audience into having false security. Instead, the opening of our film will be of the mystery genre. The Invisible Man is also a mystery film. It is a mystery because it is unknown who the invisible man, how he became invisible, or why he is trying to kill the main character. Our opening and The Invisibl e Man both share the mystery genre. •What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The Invisible Man was very ambiguous because so much was unknown about the invisible man. One example of the ambiguous nature o

Genre Research: The Silence of the Lambs

  What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have? The genre has the starting crime included, a staple of mystery movies. There is a serial killer who needs to be caught before they kill more people. There is also a main character from an outside source tasked of solving the mystery. The main character is just an F.B.I. trainee and has no connections to the case, but they are asked to interrogate someone to find out more about this case. There are further conflicts as the mystery progresses as well, which can either take an action or thriller route depending on the type of film. This film opts to go the thriller route, with more murders happening as the story continues on. And of course there is a payoff in the conclusion when the murderer is discovered.  What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? I like the amount of persuasion in dialogue throughout. The attempts to get at information that characters had was a great example

Genre Research: Mystery

  The movie we will be making an opening sequence for is about an unknown killer that poses a constant threat to the characters. The obvious genre of the movie is horror. This is because of the killing. Another genre of the movie is mystery. This is since the killer is unknown and could be anywhere or anyone. However, the opening of horror movies does not usually convey the genre's feelings. Those feelings being anxiety and fear. Instead, the openings usually convey the feeling of sub genres such as drama or mystery. We want the feeling of the opening to be ambiguous and foreboding, but not obvious. If it was drama, the theme would not be discrete enough. However, if the opening was under the mystery genre, the theme could be disguised while still conveying the foreboding mood we want. It would also leave a lot of options available. For example, in drama movies, the mis en scene is usually darker. This is because it is more serious. However, in mystery films, the mis

Genre Research: Comedy & Mystery

The two genres we will be researching are Comedy and Mystery. Comedy Camera movements in comedy films are usually unconventional and unrealistic, almost unprofessional for the sake of humor. This could include poor jobs at panning and zooming, or the camera could even interact with characters for a joke. Settings and props are specifically chosen with the jokes in the scenes in mind. Editing can be very quick and snappy, made to subvert expectations for the sake of comedy. Sound choice can be random and over-exaggerated at times, with a spontaneous nature. "Monty Python and the Holy Grail", "The Princess Bride", "Airplane!" I like that films don't have to take themselves seriously in terms of its writing. Jokes and plot points can be outlandish and unrealistic without feeling out of place. Sometimes the jokes appeal to a demographic that I am not a part of, and if the jokes aren't relatable to a demographic, they will instantly have a hard time lik

Genre Research: Drama

 This PowerPoint project is an overview of the drama genre. This overview includes the various aspects that make up drama films. These aspects include the camera angles and lighting used in these films. Some other things mentioned are the Mis-En-Scene and plot structure of drama films. After going through this research process, we were able to identify defining features of the drama genre. Dramas generally have plots that are serious in nature with high-stakes conflicts. They also normally have exciting or emotional situations that play into the story and characters. There are various techniques that are used to make these serious scenes and tense moments. For example, low-key lighting is often used to enhance the moodiness of a scene, to convey darker emotions. The lighting works alongside the camera movements and sound choices to make scenes look realistic, and maintain its serious nature. Especially the diegetic sounds, involving sounds made by people or things in a setting, immerse

Our Pitch

The pitch for our film is: "A group of bloggers explore an abandoned building, only to end up dead, one after another. they don't know who is the culprit behind the murders."   A group of vloggers go to an abandoned building for a video. They split up to look for a place to sleep due to the nasty smells and shards of glass located around the house. When an area to sleep is finally found and the group calls to regroup. When they meet up one is missing. The group has no idea why and they begin looking for the missing person. When they find him he is dead with mutilated limbs. The group begins to panic and fear that one of them has killed each other or that there is a murder located in the building. With fear setting in they begin to distrust one another and split off, some alone others in small groups. These groups are wary of one another and stay far apart. However the murders continue and people continue dying. Over time their numbers dwindle. With their numbers

Intro & Group Blog: Final Task

 I am Nicholas Arnold, an 11th grader at Fort Lauderdale High. After the success of the previous project I worked on, I am excited to work on a new project with my improved editing skills. I feel that I am now fairly competent at editing footage. It would be an ideal scenario if I could use that skill in a group. This why I am choosing to participate in a group with Grant Cipollone. I have chosen to be in the same group for 3 separate reasons. The first is that Grant has good camerawork and can create great footage to use off of our ideas. This is something that I don't feel as confident with, so a project would turn out better with him filming scenes. Secondly, I am more knowledgeable of the editing software and can create a good final project with the footage given. This is all backed up by our previous work, in which we split the work between filming and editing to make a better finished work. There were no problems when it came to delivering the information and footage back and