Title Research: Mystery

 - What titles are displayed during the opening sequences?

The first title displayed is the name of the production studio that made the movie. the next titles shown are the names of the staff that produced the movie. After the staff, the title of the movie appears. Following the title of the film, even more staff names appear. - What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? The beginning of the title sequence shows foggy shots of the surrounding area. Then, we are shown a woman running through an obstacle course in the middle of the forest. Shots of the forest are prioritized over the obstacle
course. After the initial credits, the woman goes into a building and the images switch form the empty forest to a lively building. The building is full of people doing different activities. - What connotations do these images carry? The images of the fog convey an ominous tone. The images of the large and mostly empty forest convey a sense of foreboding because it is unknown what might be in it. The woman running through an obstacle course in the forest makes the audience feel apprehensive because of how tired the woman appears.
9:38 PM
- How does the film establish a feeling of the genre from the outset? The mystery genre usually conveys feelings of foreboding and anxiety. It is similar to drama films in that sense. The title expresses these feelings with shots of fog and a large an empty forest. - What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience? The target audience of The Silence of the Lambs are film lovers who are familiar with the genre. This means the audience will be expecting authentic mystery tones. To cater to this, the film makers made the opening out of ominous shots that then transition to lively shots. This switch creates mysterious because it is unknown why the outside was so barren when there are so many people inside. - How has technology been used effectively? You want to consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques. In the initial opening, a steady camera is used to follow the woman doing the obstacle course.


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