Title Research: Watch the Titles Website

 The first website we used to research film titles was very versatile. It helped us learn how the title should have the same mood as the movie's opening. We learned that the font, font size, and background could all be uniquely used to create a mood for the audience. The first website helped us visualize our opening as more than a word or two. But, researching just the first website was not enough for us to be satisfied. We wanted to find more information in order to make our title the best it can be. Luckily, our teacher recommended another website with a lot of information on film titles. The website is called watchthetitles.com. Similar to the first website we used, watchthetitles.com had titles of a lot well-known movies we could use as references. The biggest difference of watchthetitles.com was that it featured many more film title creators than the first website. While the first website had the names of some creators, watchthetitles.com had interviews from very many creators. The insight we gained from the interviews was very helpful. Since many different professional interviews were featured, we could hear the different methods of many different people. Also, we didn't have to worry about whether the methods would be effective since they are all pros. We used the interviews to select different techniques and tricks that would be most useful to our own movie opening and skillset. Without the diversity of interviews the website offered, we would not have been able to find as much helpful information. Another useful aspect of the website was its multi-genre title examples. The website not only had titles of popular movies, but it also had titles of video games, tv shows, and student projects. Seeing other students project titles was the most helpful. Seeing professional titles is helpful to get ideas, but creating something of the same quality is too difficult and not realistic enough. But, seeing other student projects helps us form more realistic title ideas.


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