Genre Research: Hostage


  • What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
    A hostage situation normally involves a volatile mission where one wrong move leads to disastrous consequences. This is like the one presented in this movie. The way it connects to a mystery comes in the form of trying to figure out how to make it out of a situation safely. This also leads to very high-stakes scenes with tasks that need to be completed in a short timeframe. In order to find out who is behind the crime syndicate and who is the murderer among them, they will have to try and solve the mystery. The identities of the antagonists are kept ambiguous. This is normal to do in any mystery film. The main characters are left in the dark about the true conflict going on, and the meaning behind it. They are instead forced to try and stop it without really knowing why it is happening in the first place.
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?
    There is a lot of internal conflict from the main character. This interfered with his ability to make the right decision when it came to saving hostages. I liked the focus on this as a break from the normal crime-solving process. The audience can't really put themselves in the main character's shoes. He knows more about hostage situations than a normal individual, as he is a hostage negotiator. However, these inner conflicts help the audience resonate and even relate to his struggles. The audience is normally able to solve a mystery in this type of genre. In this film though, the focus is more on the other aspects of the movie that are throughout.
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
    Apart from the reveals toward the end, most of the film doesn't incorporate the mystery aspect of the genre. There is more action and thriller elements present. They don't interfere, it just leaves more to be desired when it comes to actually solving the mystery. It is instead revealed to the characters outright rather than them solving it.


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