Genre Research: The Invisible Man

 What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

The genres of the movie we are going to be making an opening for will be horror and mystery. This is because of the killing that will happen. It is mystery because the imposter is unknown. The opening, however, will not be horror. This is because horror films usually do not have fearful openings. Most the time, they are unexpectedly upbeat in order to fool the audience into having false security. Instead, the opening of our film will be of the mystery genre. The Invisible Man is also a mystery film. It is a mystery because it is unknown who the invisible man, how he became invisible, or why he is trying to kill the main character. Our opening and The Invisibl
e Man both share the mystery genre. •What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like? The Invisible Man was very ambiguous because so much was unknown about the invisible man. One example of the ambiguous nature of the film was the title sequence. The title sequence consisted of computer generated letters that appeared to be invisible. The audience could tell they were invisible because they did not appear until water splashed onto them and flowed off of them. The title sequence creates mystery because viewers do not know why the text is invisible. Also, the opening creates a foreboding effect for the rest of the movie. Since the opening has violent waves crashing at night, it makes the audience feel anxious.
11:52 PM
•What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you? In my opinion, the mysterious nature of the Invisible Man is very interesting. I think it is the most interesting part of the movie. However, most of the movie was focused on the horror aspect of the invisible man instead of the mystery. I wish the mystery was focused on the mystery more.


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