Genre Research: The Silence of the Lambs


  • What elements of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?
    The genre has the starting crime included, a staple of mystery movies. There is a serial killer who needs to be caught before they kill more people. There is also a main character from an outside source tasked of solving the mystery. The main character is just an F.B.I. trainee and has no connections to the case, but they are asked to interrogate someone to find out more about this case. There are further conflicts as the mystery progresses as well, which can either take an action or thriller route depending on the type of film. This film opts to go the thriller route, with more murders happening as the story continues on. And of course there is a payoff in the conclusion when the murderer is discovered. 
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that you like?
    I like the amount of persuasion in dialogue throughout. The attempts to get at information that characters had was a great example of the mystery-solving process. The character interactions were always met with a sense of urgency. This was because there was a need to solve this case before more victims to the serial murderer get created. The point of view of this young girl trying to solve this murder case also immerses the audience further. They could put themselves in the shoes of someone who is unconventional for this type of situation and trying their best with what they have. A mystery usually has to reveal a criminal's thought process when they are found out. Not only is there a serial killer who is the source of the mystery, there is also another jailed murderer used as a side character in the story. The audience learns about both murderer's thought processes. This leads the audience to become interested in how a criminal thinks and acts the way they do. It could also lead them to resonate with a murderer, which happens in this instance. 
  • What elements of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?
    While violence is a main staple of the genre, it could be unnecessary at times. It feels like the amount of murder could've been toned down, without much change to the overall feel of the movie.


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