
Showing posts from November, 2020

Editing Blog: Piecing scenes together

 As I was the head of editing, I had the primary OpenShot project on my computer after the files were sent to me. There were 10 videos to start, ranging from 5 seconds to the 22 second walking scene from two different angles (one angle was a slow-mo that I didn't end up using). It was my job to order these scenes into a cohesive story and make sure all the parts added up to exactly 1 minute and fit them together with the limited footage I had. I started with adding the music to solely provide the audio, an mp3 of Boulevard of Broken Dreams. The original mp3 I was using appeared to be the reason that OpenShot would crash upon startup whenever I tried to do anything, so I ended up converting the music video to an mp3 instead.  There were some key spots that I knew would be filled, like the beginning scene would be my partner walking out the front door with his dog, and the climax where the dog is stolen being played on the drop. I started out by placing all of the clips in order, lea

Filming Blog: Reworking the script

 Our team of two were coming up with new ideas for the script after making the storyboard. This meant that there would be inconsistency between the blogs, but we agreed that it would be better for the final product to make some changes. It didn't seem like there would be 12 scenes, but there would be around 12 shots total. Filming was also going to take place during the day, which is different from what was planned on the storyboard, that said it was going to be filmed at least close to sunset. It meant that the atmosphere was going to take a hit, but it was more convenient for everyone to film in the middle of the day. Most of the planning of a revised script happened shortly before the day we were to start filming. The storyboard was heavily flawed and made hastily anyway, with the first act having too few scenes and the second act having too many. This was fixed in our revision, and when it came to filming the scenes, the acts were perfectly split in half, in sync with the song.

Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

 These are roughly the 12 "parts" of the music video divided into scenes, all about 5 seconds long each. 1. The video will start with the main character coming out of the front door with his dog on a leash next to him. This will be the instrumental first 4 seconds before the lyrics start. 2. The first scene will cut to a wide shot of the street, panning and following the boy and the dog walking. This second scene will begin right when the lyrics start, and the camera will focus to a shadowy figure in the background. 3. This shadowy figure comes from off screen and grabs the leash from their hands, running away with the dog. They cannot stop this from happening as they are in shock at what happened. 4. This scene is just a zoom in of the main character who mouths "NOOOO" into the sky. At this point the shadowy figure has run off, and it has left him in great despair. 5. The scene fades to a black and white flashback of the dog, doing normal activities such as walking

Planning for my Music Video

 -The title of the song the music video will be using is "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day. Since the song is meant to create a full story, it will be using a darker tone and will be filmed at night. This also means it will be much different to the actual music video, with the original having no real story that relies more on the lyrics. The story roughly involves several scenes of a main character walking around with a dog, as the usual music videos of this genre do. The second half, however, will have the main character get their dog stolen from them out of their hands, and a moment of heartbreak. We will be planning based off of this rough outline. -There will be walking around at night, but much less of it than the original music video. The scenes will be filmed at Grant's house around the front yard, back yard, and the middle of the street out front. The scenes in the street will be where the dog is on a leash, and there will be multiple people on the road. N

Research blog: Music Video Conventions

The song we are going to use for our music video is "Boulevard of Broken Dreams" by Green Day. In preparation for the music video filming, we have to plan out the process. Before planning, however, it is extremely helpful to do research on the type of music video we will be filming. Before researching music videos, we have to narrow down the type of video because their are many different types of music videos that would provide irrelevant information. Some genres of music videos include, Indie, Pop, R$B, and hip hop. The genre of the music video we are using is the grunge genre. There are many common tropes among music videos involving the grunge genre. After researching music videos from Green Day, I have seen similar themes between them. Most of the video length is usually taken up by the band performing into the camera with their instruments. In between scenes it cuts to the band performing a full on concert, either in an enclosed room or outside with a makeshift set

Introduction to the Music Video Project

 I will be working on this music video project with Grant Cipollone. I felt that it would be better to work on this project with another person for many reasons. I think it will be easier to balance the workload between the two of us when it comes to filming and editing. We will be able to use both of our experiences in previous projects to combine our strengths in creating the music video. It will also help to come up with ideas for scenes in the storyboard and final product. As long as our ideas don't clash with one another, and we can come to easy agreements, the brainstorming process could become less difficult. We could communicate more effectively due to the fact that we are friends and we are familiar communicating with each other. I think the music video we have planned would work better with more than one person, which we could benefit from. Something we would have to work on is acting, as both of us individually haven't been on camera much in our previous projects. Wo

Creative Critical Reflection

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues? This commercial is targeted towards anyone with underlying medical conditions that could lead to constant uncontrollable headaches, specifically those who seek a solution to this condition. The commercial primarily advertises a product that is meant to fix these issues. The main goal of the commercial is to get the targeted audience to buy the product advertised by making a convincing plea that the product is worth buying. Migraines are an issue in many people's lives and this advertisement is an attempt at reaching this audience, and their wallets. It challenges the convention of the common issue of migranes by offering a solution. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text? Audiences should be engaged through the relatability of the situation the characters in the commercial are in. The main character begins by having a headac


This is my completed commercial project. This was the first big project that I worked on all year, and I've been working on it over the course of the last few weeks. I am happy with how it came out after editing, other than a bit of pacing problems. I did this despite not being confident in my idea for most of the project. I did not know what I wanted to do my commercial on up until the day I had to turn in my planning blog. Also, I didn't know the specific medication I wanted to use until the storyboard, and up until that point was basing my research off of general medication commercials. Once I knew which medication I wanted to use, however, things began to run more smoothly. I was able to plan all of the scenes involving headaches, which was the use of the medication, Aimovig. This allowed me to take inspiration from the script and logos from an Aimovig commercial I looked up. Filming went mostly how I thought it would, and I recorded mostly still shots from my phone. It did

Editing Blog: Voiceover and Footage Combined

 I made the voiceover script and recorded it after the footage was filmed. I researched a real commercial of this type to get most of the dialogue. I did this to make sure that the facts were correct.   If you or a loved one experience mild to severe migraine you may be eligible for Aimovig, a preventive treatment for migraine in adults. One dose, once a month has been proven to reduce the number of migraine days monthly, for some that number can be cut in half or more. The most common side effects are pain, redness or swelling at the injection site, and constipation. Talk to your doctor about preventing migraine with Aimovig. To start the editing, I dumped the video files and removed all their audio. The only audio I was going to use was from the voice over and the background music. It took a while to cut the 1:10 seconds of footage down to just 30 seconds, and I experimented with the clips I wanted to use from each shot. I ended up using 5 of my 6 recordings and edited in two separat

Filming Blog: Around and Outside the House

Filming began and ended on 11/1. It took place early morning after a rainy day previously, which is why I had to wait a day to film. I went to explain the scenes with my actors that I had finalized in the storyboard, and once they understood we moved to the first scene.  This took place in the master bedroom, to leave enough space for the camera to zoom out. Each shoot took around 10-20 seconds, as I would only need roughly 5 seconds for the final cut. Props included the thin blanket which was used instead of the full sheets, a pillow in which the main character would throw on their face in annoyance, and a pad to be placed on their forehead to help with the "headache". The pillow was the only one being directly manipulated by a character, though. This shoot was the longest, with the pillow being thrown on and off a few times, but I think the clip I will use is when the it is thrown on. We then moved on to the next scene, which started off with the main character walking out