
This is my completed commercial project. This was the first big project that I worked on all year, and I've been working on it over the course of the last few weeks. I am happy with how it came out after editing, other than a bit of pacing problems. I did this despite not being confident in my idea for most of the project. I did not know what I wanted to do my commercial on up until the day I had to turn in my planning blog. Also, I didn't know the specific medication I wanted to use until the storyboard, and up until that point was basing my research off of general medication commercials. Once I knew which medication I wanted to use, however, things began to run more smoothly. I was able to plan all of the scenes involving headaches, which was the use of the medication, Aimovig. This allowed me to take inspiration from the script and logos from an Aimovig commercial I looked up. Filming went mostly how I thought it would, and I recorded mostly still shots from my phone. It did not take me very long to find the right position for the camera to be in, and I knew how the final shot would be set up from the beginning. I did most of the editing directly after filming. I worked on it on and off that whole day, but it took around 2 hours of work. I learned a lot from editing this clip, and built upon my knowledge from editing the interview project I worked on earlier this year. While I know much more about OpenShot, I feel like there is still a lot more things that I still do not know how to do. Video tutorials helped a lot with my understanding, as well as just messing around myself in the editor. Overall I think that was the part of the project I had the most fun with. I particularly didn't like doing the voiceover and the filming, as the filming could get awkward and I didn't know any real way to film better, and I do not like the sound of my own voice or how I delivered the lines. Despite that, I think the shots and voiceover weren't that bad in the end product. And as I said, when everything was put together it looks really good.


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