Creative Critical Reflection

  1. How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?
    This commercial is targeted towards anyone with underlying medical conditions that could lead to constant uncontrollable headaches, specifically those who seek a solution to this condition. The commercial primarily advertises a product that is meant to fix these issues. The main goal of the commercial is to get the targeted audience to buy the product advertised by making a convincing plea that the product is worth buying. Migraines are an issue in many people's lives and this advertisement is an attempt at reaching this audience, and their wallets. It challenges the convention of the common issue of migranes by offering a solution.
  2. How does your product engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as a real media text?
    Audiences should be engaged through the relatability of the situation the characters in the commercial are in. The main character begins by having a headache and wishing for a solution, which is what the target audience should feel. They then feel much better after taking the medication and start to do normal activities. This should be what the target audience wants to happen to them, and see this as the answer to their problems. The commercial would just be distributed on television in the form of video advertisements, hopefully played on channels and during times where the target audience is the majority and most likely to be watching.
  3. How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
    My production skills are much better than when I started this project. I didn't feel like I got much better behind the camera, I found that I was just pointing my camera at the scenes and nothing more. But I do think I got much better at planning, storyboarding and editing. I had to bite the bullet when it came to planning, as I had no concrete idea I wanted to go with for a while. Once I got started, it was much easier to work out the details. Storyboarding felt the same way, as I couldn't get through it without planning ahead. Editing, however, is something I really enjoy doing. I can feel myself getting better every time I'm forced to try something new with editing video and sound files. This was a large amount of my improvement in production.
  4. How did you integrate technologies-software, hardware, and online-in this project?
    I used an advertisement for Aimovig for research purposes, and also to use as part of the script. Once I had all my research, I came up with the idea on my own just based off of other commercials. I filmed on my phone and dumped the files into OpenShot. If this counts, I did look up various video tutorials on how to use OpenShot features. Other than that, that was all the technology I used and needed for the whole project.


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