Planning Storyboard for my Music Video

 These are roughly the 12 "parts" of the music video divided into scenes, all about 5 seconds long each.

1. The video will start with the main character coming out of the front door with his dog on a leash next to him. This will be the instrumental first 4 seconds before the lyrics start.

2. The first scene will cut to a wide shot of the street, panning and following the boy and the dog walking. This second scene will begin right when the lyrics start, and the camera will focus to a shadowy figure in the background.

3. This shadowy figure comes from off screen and grabs the leash from their hands, running away with the dog. They cannot stop this from happening as they are in shock at what happened.

4. This scene is just a zoom in of the main character who mouths "NOOOO" into the sky. At this point the shadowy figure has run off, and it has left him in great despair.

5. The scene fades to a black and white flashback of the dog, doing normal activities such as walking around and playing fetch. 

6. A close up of the boy with a sad look on his face. He will be unmoving, with a dead stare into the camera.

7. Cut to inside the house, where he is walking up stairs. The camera is behind him

8. Then, we capture him sitting on the stairs. His face is sad as he regrets losing his dog. 9. After the shot of the boy sitting on the stairs, another flashback plays of the boy playing fetch with the dog. This flashback is of something the boy could be doing with his dog currently if he hadn't been stolen. 10. The next shot is of the boy walking up to a woman and asking her if she has seen anyone with his dog. She quickly shrugs him off and continues to walk. 11. Depressed, he backs away from the woman as she walks away. 12. The music video ends with the main character's sad face looking slowly up to the sky as the sun sets. This ending is fitting because the sunset gives the feel that the endeavor to find his dog is over.


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