Filming Blog: Reworking the script

 Our team of two were coming up with new ideas for the script after making the storyboard. This meant that there would be inconsistency between the blogs, but we agreed that it would be better for the final product to make some changes. It didn't seem like there would be 12 scenes, but there would be around 12 shots total. Filming was also going to take place during the day, which is different from what was planned on the storyboard, that said it was going to be filmed at least close to sunset. It meant that the atmosphere was going to take a hit, but it was more convenient for everyone to film in the middle of the day. Most of the planning of a revised script happened shortly before the day we were to start filming. The storyboard was heavily flawed and made hastily anyway, with the first act having too few scenes and the second act having too many. This was fixed in our revision, and when it came to filming the scenes, the acts were perfectly split in half, in sync with the song. One scene that took up most of the first half was when my partner walked his dog down the road. This is when the shadowy figure in the background takes the dog and my partner yells "no" all in the same scene. This was the longest scene to shoot, with many retakes and problems with people and the dog being spooked during the shot. We came to the decision that my partner, Grant, would be on camera rather than me, and in turn I will head the editing process. Most of the shots were on that same street: yelling "no" and walking alone. When we did deviate from that street it was for the beginning and the end, exiting the house and sitting on the bench. We made sure to use the same camera angles for the flashback scenes, which was implemented more than originally planned in the storyboard. The scenes of walking up the stairs, and the scene of asking a woman if she's seen the dog were eventually scrapped. There wasn't much room in the 30 seconds for those scenes, and the dialogue was hard to translate into a video with no sound. There ended up being multiple angles of the walking scene, some pans of the road, and close up shots of the main character with and without his dog. Overall, the final scenes filmed were very different from the original storyboard concept. There will still be much work to do in editing, with there still being a need to piece these scenes together as there is some liberty for some scenes to be rearranged.


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