Today, my partner and I as well as our actors went to the park to film the project. There was a lot we needed to film and, therefore, a lot to talk about. The biggest dilemma we faced was that we wanted to film some of our scenes during the daylight and some of our scenes as the sun set. So, in order to include everything, we all got there early at around 3:15. First, Nicholas and drove around the park and reaffirmed our plans and shooting locations. Then, after that, our actors came and we put up the tent we would. At the last minute, I decided to bring a couple lawn chairs to make the campsite have more features. After the campsite was set up, we started filming. The first parts we filmed were the establishing shots of the car driving. The shots were mostly still shots or pans that followed the car as it drove in front of a bland, rural-looking background. We hoped the background would give away how secluded the ...