Editing: Full Editing Process

I was given the task of storing and editing the final product. The project started out as around 30 video clips. I had to siphon through these and place them in order. The raw footage was around 2:40, which would need to be cut down. This entire editing process was overlooked by my partner, as all the editing was livestreamed. He would give advice as to how many parts of the parts should be laid out. We ended up cutting out two key scenes. One of these was the four characters going in the car, as it was way too long. Another was a third scene of the car driving, following the rule of 3 and allowing for more credits. However, it wasn't the best shot and was used to save time. 
Edits allowed for us to cut corners while filming. A main issue when at the park was that it closed at 7:30, which was before the sun sets. Most of our filming was done during the day, with some at early dusk. When it comes to scenes that are set at night, I lowered the brightness for them and changed contrast when needed. This also helped for some day scenes that had a lot of glare. Another problem was that the phone call scene had some echoed voices in both tracks, and this was because the audio was playing back through our computers. I was able to cut out audio portions when each of us weren't talking, which got rid of all noise besides the dialogue. This technique was also used for the shot-reverse-shot, however it was with video instead of audio. There were many more tricks to getting the final product to be perfect, but too much for this blog.



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