Filming: Final Preparations
We spent a long time planning the filming. We put a lot of thought into the sounds, props, and location we would use. We put the most thought into the filming part of the project. Specifically, the way each scene would look and be filmed. Now, we have spoken with our actors and have planned the filming day. My partner, Nicholas, and I live relatively close. This means we can meet at the park with ease. However, our actors live farther away. Their drive to the park will be much longer. Since they are only helping us act, it wouldn't be fair to make them commute the whole way. Instead, we decided to meet at a fast food restaurant that's closer to both of us. At the restaurant, we might get something to eat. Either way, we would then take him to the park from there to film. We would probably meet up at 2:30pm or 3:00 pm. This is because I would like to get to the park before the filming begins. This will allow us more time to organize for filming. I want to meet at 3:00 so we can film at sunset. The earlier we start, the more last minute planning we can do. I am excited to finally start filming. After all this planning, I am confident in our project.
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