Filming: First Scene

 We decided that the first scene could be filmed at a separate time than the rest of the scenes because of its location. Not only that, this was filmed on a separate date. The script was changed to compensate this. The camping trip was scheduled for a later date rather than later that day in the story to maintain continuity. All group members and cast members were not together for this shoot, as we didn't need to be. There are no group parts in this scene besides ones that will be edited in. We got in a voice call together for communication purposes as the first shot was filmed. There needed to be two phones utilized for this shot, as the shot consisted of a phone on a table. Only phone cameras will be recording every scene, and this was no different, which is where the second phone comes in. The camera wouldn't move, as it captures a top-down shot of the table with a phone in its center. The phone would then ring and be picked up by an off-screen arm after a considerable amount of ringing. The phone will be rang by one of us, and the timing will have to be right. The contact will be changed to a generic name, as I don't believe the characters will receive names other than this. We debated on how this part should be created, as if the person were to pick up the phone and be recording with their other hand, it would look obvious. It was decided that a second person will hold the camera still at a high angle during the shot, to allow the off-screen hand to grab the phone from a different side of the table. 

This is an example of what the phone call scene will look like after editing. However, for now it is just two separate phone recordings made at the same time. The audio and video will be spliced together at a later date. There is just raw footage at this stage, but it is usable and done.


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