
Showing posts from September, 2021

Group Blog

 We have finalized our group selection for the Short Film Package. My group will be 3 members. These members are myself, Grant Cipollone and Kyle Weiner. There are a few key reasons on why I have chosen to be a part of this group. Firstly, my group from last year, which is only 2 people, are in this group as well. There is only an addition, which will help with anything that couldn't be previously done by the 2 of us. It will also potentially make our tasks easier, as the workload can be split up between us with each of us having to do a smaller amount of work. Kyle acted in our previous final task, so he is already accustomed to the filming process. He basically worked with us during all the time we filmed the short film. Since he already has experience in editing, it will greatly benefit us to add him to our group. This will ensure that all of our group members will all have experience in 3 areas. 1. We all have experience in the filmmaking process (ex. editing, filming). 2. We a

Intro Blog

 Hello, I'm Nicholas Arnold and I'm a senior in my second year of Media Studies. Since we are now fully back to school this year, this class will be vastly different in more ways than just its curriculum. There are now much less restrictions when it comes to the filmmaking process. One example is location. I can now film not only at school, but in more public areas without having to wear a mask. This will make meeting up with group members much easier. I also plan to work with a higher amount of group members this year, as we will be able to meet up much easier. There will hopefully be much less of a workload for our group with more members. Our planning period might be more difficult, however. This would be because it will be harder to agree on the same vision for a story. I hope to expand on our ideas and skillset with the projects this year, with these longer films that we are tasked to make. I'm excited to work on a longer film, particularly because of how much more sto