Production: Finding Solutions

  As mentioned in previous blogs, the place we will end up filming at is a public park.  We decided to film there because they have an area with enough trees to pass as a forest with some clever camera work.  The park is not that large, but it is quite popular.  This is a problem for us because we can not film anyone in the background of our shots.  Luckily, we plan to film the project towards sunset.  Hopefully, this will mean that there will be less people there to worry about.  Another big problem with the park is the fact that it isn't that big.  This means that there are no designated camping grounds anywhere in it.  This is a dilemma for us because we intend to set up a tent for the campsite setting.  Since the place we want to shoot is a public area and not a campground, we can't put a tent up.  This is a big problem, but there are ways around it.  One way would be to call the park and ask them for permission to set up a tent and film with it.  Originally, we considered doing this anyways because we weren't' sure if we were allowed to film in the first place.  But, after reaching out to our teacher, we found out that we don't need permission to film but we have to make sure people aren't in the background without agreeing to it.  So, we are still undecided on whether or not we will have to call the park.  Another way to work around the problem would be to film without the tent.  While the tent would be nice to have for the setting, we could make up for it with creative editing or good acting.  This would be our last resort.  A third solution would be to film the parts of the project that would have had the tent in another park that actually has campsites.  The problem with this is the location of the park.  The park I am referring to is a much larger park with more wildlife.  At first, I had wanted to use this park because it had a lot more forest to work with.  But, it ended up being too far away from my partner to be used.  But, if we film just the parts of the project with the tent in the big park, it may be manageable enough.


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