Planning: Location, Sound, Participants, Health, Schedule

 One of the toughest parts of planning the filming process was finding a location. We originally envisioned our movie taking place in a secluded forest setting and a spooky abandoned building. However, we live in a highly populated area. Therefore we could not find an abandoned building. Much less, an abandoned building that looked spooky enough to use in a horror film. After asking advice from our teacher, we came to the conclusion that it would be best to change the story of the film. Specifically, why the group is gathered and what they are doing. Before it was to explore an abandoned building to make content for their blogs. Now, the story will be about a group of bloggers going on a camping trip in the woods. We changed it to this to keep the setting a spooky place, like a forest at night. So, the search turned from a search for an abandoned building to a search for a wooded area. Originally we thought this search would be much, much easier. But, we soon found out is was nearly as hard as the original search. The difficulty lied in the fact that the only nearby wilderness is in parks. Also, the only completed natural-looking wooded areas are in huge parks that are too far away. Luckily, we visited a smaller park and it had a wooded area that looked big enough for us to film in. The park is close to both of our houses and isn't too crowded.

We plan to use a few different sounds in our project. One for example, is the snapping of a twig. In order to reliably produce this sound incase we have to take the scene multiple times, we will use a stock sound effect of a twig snapping. For other sounds we don't have stock sound effects for, such as leaves crumbling, we can record the sound of one of us crunching leaves and using that to reproduce the sound in editing.

Our film requires multiple actors; more than just the two of us. So, we have asked some of our friends to help us by acting. They will be there when we shoot and appear in the film. Most of our film will be very safe. However, there are always dangers in the world. So, incase the worst happens, we will have a first aid kit handy. Also, for the scene with an actor pretending to be dead, we will make sure no one is actually hurt and everyone remains safe. Lastly, for the schedule, we hope to all meet at the park on Monday in order to film. If the filming is not all done then, then we will meet again on Tuesday to finish it off.


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