Filming: Test Run

At this stage in development, no filming has taken place. However, our group visited the park that was previously decided on. We originally picked this location due to the abundance of trees and shade. Now we were returning to the area that was envisioned for most of the shots to take place. We focused on planning out where specific scenes would take place. This included specific locations within the wooded area and outside it. Also, the exact camera angles and how they would work. There were several conclusions that we came to:
There is a road close enough to the field leading up to the trees. This can be where the group gets out of the car and takes out their cameras.
An opening into the trees can serve as an entrance for the characters to walk into. This wide shot, as stated in the storyboard, can be utilized here.
There are many shots taking place in this "campsite". This refers to the area under the trees that is somewhat open. This will leave room to set up equipment and have good camera angles.
The "campsite will specifically not contain a portion of the wooded area. This can be used as the dark path that one character will walk down. It will look like this path is a ways away from camp. However, it will not be that far away in reality.
We did not have are full set of members or equipment available to film at the location, but it was still useful to plan out everything before actually doing it. We feel more prepared for when we actually film.



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