Filming: Finishing Final Plans

 I explained before how we plan to make the setting of our film opening a campsite.  I also explained the importance of having a tent and other thing to make it look more realistic.  Without the tent, my partner and I would be unsatisfied with the quality of the project.  Ideally, we would like to be able to set up a tent in the park we plan to film in.  However, the park is a relatively small park with no campgrounds.  So, there is no place to set up a tent.  The only ways around this would be to film the scenes with the tent at another park or to ask the park for special permission to set up a tent for a student filming project.  It would be troublesome to film at another park because of our location.  So, we decided to ask the park for special permission.  I decided to email the park and ask if it was ok to stay past the closing time of the park and whether it would be okay to set up a tent.  I am unsure how the park will respond as they are usually strict about their closing time.  On one visit to the park, I discovered an employee riding around in a golf cart letting everyone know the park was closing in 15 minutes.  I doubt they would go to this extent to make sure people know about the closing time if they did not care about people staying after it.  Also, I have absolutely no idea how they will feel about setting up a tent.  Hopefully, they allow us to for our student filming project.

We also clarified with our actors.  Like I said in my previous blog, our actors are friends of ours that agreed to be extra characters in our project.  It is essential they help us out in order for the film to make sense.  We will be filming soon an, most likely, over spring break.  Spring break is next week, which will be when we film.


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