
Showing posts from December, 2021

Screenplay for Short Film

 EXT. FOREST - EVENING A GROUP OF TEENAGERS (5) are on a camping trip in a supposedly haunted area of the forest suddenly find themselves lost. They are all relatively close together as they walk, surrounded by the one holding a lantern. GREG Does anyone know the way back to the camp? The camera cuts to the one holding the lantern. RORY I don’t know, but it’s getting dark. The group contemplates on which direction to go, being suddenly interrupted by a twig snapping. Rory spins to look at the source of the rustling. ALCIBIADES It was just a rabbit. RORY Phew. CUT TO: EXT. FOREST - NIGHT The sun is setting and it is getting noticeably darker. GREG It’s getting a little too late to find the camp.  Maybe we should consider setting up camp around here and wait until a mentor comes to look for us. PABLO With what supplies?? GREG I have a makeshift tent and some cooking supplies in my survival pack. RORY Wait. We’re actually gonna camp out in the middle of the woods? GREG Do you have any bet